Student Loan Deal with the Devil
Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Bribe is a deal with the Devil. I didn't vote to pay for someone else's poor decisions; they voted to force me to pay for their mistakes. Socialism is forced servitude
This article was originally posted on X/Twitter.
This is a note to all of those young folks who recently received an email saying that your student loan debt was to be forgiven by Joe Biden—and you silently or openly rejoiced. For those of you who instead felt an unease and a pang of guilt or regret: I salute you.
You have the right to not accept Joe Biden's bribe (which may wind up carrying a price tag of $1 Trillion to be carried by everyone in the country), but 99.9% of you will either not see it for what it is, or you will willingly—perhaps even joyfully—accept it.
You will make up some excuse that "well, I know it's not fair to everyone, but I feel justified for myself, see, because the 'system' didn't give me the job and money and fancy trappings that I was promised by my counselors and parents that I would get if I got a college degree, and things just kept getting so darn expensive every year, so why should I have to pay interest to those evil banksters and all that. Fuck them."
Well, there's a reason inflation made everything more expensive since you were a child, such that you can't afford college, or buy a home, or medical insurance, or even food. That reason is passive or active decisions just like this one, made over and over again through the decades by Democrats and Republicans who gleefully spend other people's money that ends up being printed from thin air—making us all more indebted.
Most of you young folks don't understand that today, $1 buys you what you could buy for 2 cents 100 years ago. That's because the buying power of a single dollar has been slowly, sneakily, and stealthily eroded away by people that you didn't elect or even know about. The inflation they created went to pay for giveaways just like the one you got in your email inbox.
Here's what your bribe-acceptance action equates to:
By accepting this bribe, it transfers responsibility for paying YOUR student loan debt—a debt that YOU willingly chose to take on; nobody forced you to go to college and take on student loans—by shifting that burden onto everyone's shoulders in the US.
You now burden every man, woman, and child in your family, all of your friends, and all of your relatives, everyone on your street —with a $3,000 tax. That's the distributed cost of a $1 Trillion bribe.
In a household of 4, that comes out to $12,000. But of course, not everyone in the US actually pays taxes; only about half of the people in the country do. So double that $12,000 to $24,000. That's the result per household of your bribe.
Well, you say; but those evil corporations who pay no taxes! They should pay their fair share, you say. That will ease the burden on the average person.
Well that just means that all of the food, fuel, clothes and goods that you buy will have to become $24,000 more expensive, because that's how those "corporations" (i.e., other people who work for a living making the things that you want or need) pay for your additional tax demands.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
You are forcing all of the people you know to pay for YOUR college loans. When I graduated, it took me 10 years of hard work and sacrifice to pay off my own student loans; I lived in near poverty for some years, Top Ramen was a frequent dinner meal, and that monthly payment that took a bite out of my paycheck hung like a weight on my finances for many more years.
I couldn't go out to eat, or to the movies, or buy fancy clothes as often as I wanted. I had to scrimp and scrape. But I did it; I paid it off after a decade of hard work and savings. Your bribe acceptance says "Hahaha fuck you" as you spit in my face.
There are other people like plumbers and construction workers who also didn't take on student loan debt to go to college; they worked their hands to the bone for decades to build their businesses.
What your willingness to be bribed by Joe Biden says is this: "Fuck you all. I don't care that you worked hard to pay off your student loan debts; you have to pay off mine, too, whether you like it or not. And so does that plumber and bricklayer (via taxes and inflation.) You all have to work harder and give up your savings and hard-earned money for ME."
Your action equates to this, as well:
You grant the authority to a criminal cartel to forcibly enter your grandma's home and take away her money, whether she can afford it or not, to pay for your bills (via taxes or inflation, which is also a tax.)
If she resists, the cartel will put her in prison. If she resists arrest and imprisonment and tries to run away, you authorize the cartel to hunt her down at the point of a gun and shoot her for failing to pay taxes—to pay for YOUR bribe—to meet your student loan obligations.
If you say "well, Joe Biden will cut her taxes so she won't have to bear that burden" that just shifts the burden yet again onto other people; whether through higher taxes, or inflation (which is a hidden tax) you WILL end up making all of us poorer. Including, unknowingly, yourself.
If you don't think that's what happens in a socialist system, you are sadly mistaken. I suggest that you, yourself, try to not pay taxes, or not pay your rent, or your car payment, or your utility bills; and when the Feds come to your door to demand their money like a criminal cartel does, will you pay up, or choose to go to prison instead?
An honorable person who won't do a deal with the Devil would. This is the price of Socialism: it is a deal with the Devil.
I did not vote to give up my money at the threat of imprisonment or a gun barrel to fund your mistakes. You —the minority of you who voted for Joe Biden—you voted to force me to pay up, to pay both my bills and yours, or be imprisoned for your benefit.
Well, I've had enough. I can't afford to pay another $24,000 (even if its spread over 10 years) to cover your expenses, and also my own. I can't afford to keep paying more and more at the pump for gas. I can't afford to keep paying $60 for a pack of steaks at Costco that used to cost $15 when I graduated from college.
This system is irretrievably broken. Will you do something about it? If not you, who? If not now, when?
I hope you enjoyed this latest post! More to come soon on AI, the Pandemic, and other topics.
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I want my money back which I paid for my kids' education. I don't want to pay for other's basket weaving courses and their party time in school. Go out and earn your money like we all had to do.
It's not loan forgiveness it's loan transfer from then to all of us.