(from @CognitiveCarbonPublic on telegram.)
An update to this post: I learned yesterday that two people in my sister’s friend’s network, both otherwise healthy 50-year olds who were double-vaxxed and boostered, were hospitalized recently, both denied Ivermectin, and both died—leaving behind two 20-year old sons.
This brings the total number of people in my small “friends and friends of friends” network to four dead, and two with stroke injury.
I lost a cherished co-worker today. Alfred Terronez was 70. He got sick 5 weeks or so ago and was already recovering. On the 6th day of his recovery, he and his wife got their first "shot". Who advised him to do that, I don’t know.
They both went downhill immediately afterward, and four days later both were hospitalized on oxygen. While they were in the hospital his stepson (his wife's son) passed away.
Last week, Alfred was released from the hospital and seemed to be doing well; he texted me last week about his grandson, who he was proud of. The grandson has just graduated from a military program with the Space Force.
We were all looking forward to his return to work this week or next. Last night, he passed away.
The shot killed him. Whoever administered it to him while he was already sick is directly responsible.
We will miss you, Alfred. You were a good hardworking man.
My father has been permanently disabled because of a stroke that resulted from the shot. A co-worker’s mom had a stroke 2 hours after her booster. And now I have lost a cherished friend and colleague.
This shouldn’t be happening for a “safe and effective” injection. I shouldn’t know *anyone* who was adversely affected; if the odds were 1 in a 100,000 neither would any of you know anyone affected.
And yet I, with a very small circle of friends, family and colleagues … know THREE. One dead, two disabled.
In past weeks, I have received a lot of comments to other posts from people who have similar experiences. Far, far too many have been harmed by these shots.
Stop the experimental injection shots.
I’m so very sorry. Unfortunately, we’re only starting to see the damage of these shots. People have to keep talking about it in order to reach more people before more are murdered. As of right now, the children are the target. We need to pray🙏🏻
So sorry. Praying that people will WAKE UP.