..."With 5G and what are called “steerable antennas”, it has gotten ridiculously more precise in theory. And that is true whether you have the GPS system enabled, or not. All that is required is for your phone to not be in ‘airplane mode’, which means that it’s allowed to look for, and signal to, the nearby cell phone network towers. With ONLY that turned on, you can be tracked."

Does this mean that if the phone is in airplane mode no one can track it?

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So a few months ago, I visited a Wal-Mart the next town over which is part of a large shopping area. In their parking lot was something I had never seen before. It was a trailer sitting in the front corner of the lot with a large antenna rising several stories with a blue flashing light at the top. Being curious, I drove close to it and saw that "Dept. of Homeland Security" was painted on the trailer. I'm wondering if this was perhaps one of those "stingers" you mentioned in the article...? Any ideas?

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Great Article.... I see you might be in Norcal by Sacramento. So am I, shoot me an email on proton mail at icare4america. Would enjoy meeting up some day.

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Where can your purchase google free phones? Name, brand, etc.

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"It’s only been around for two decades (I know, because I wrote one of the first preliminary patent applications for using GPS data from cell phones for marketing purposes back in late 1999.)"

IIRC, the first time cellular trilateration was used was in 1987 to break the attempted murder case of a megachurch pastor's wife. Spoiler alert: It was the pastor who wanted to off his wife so he could be with his mistress, however the jury acquitted him.

I was living in DFW at the time and the case was the talk of town. I remember the DPD getting a warrant to access his carphone data and it was in one of the articles that a newspaper talked about using triangulation from cell towers to pinpoint his locations. However, in DDG, I couldn't find any articles that mentioned this.

The closest I could find was from LA Times: "Investigators refused to discuss the significance of the mobile phone records but it seemed safe to assume they somehow represented the “indisputable evidence” of inconsistencies in Railey’s story."


In any case, that was the time when I first learned that a carphone's location could be pinpointed, but I'd speculate that the tech didn't have the precision we've come to expect.

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Having been an avid follower of the Infosec community for nearing a decade, I've also been naturally concerned about privacy issues too. So, I know about all the tracking aspects you listed, I even mentioned the wifi tracking on one of Brian's posts, without writing an entire article on every thing about tracking, so I hope your excellent work here educated some who were oblivious to it all. I too, long since reconciled the trade offs, of using these pocket spies. Fortunately, permission for settings for Android have greatly improved over the last few years. Especially, granting location to an app, only when it's in use, or never. But, one thing you left out, is Google's ability to see what you're doing in other apps. Otherwise known as app activity. Which I turn off by default. I also don't allow Google, my carrier, or anyone else to advertise to me personalized ads. I also, don't use apps with advertising SDK's. If I can't buy an ad free pro version, I don't use them. Also, I use several browsers with adblocking capabilities. Block most if not all tracking, and deny most cookies, block fingerprinting techniques, clear any cookies & trackers that slip past my filters. But often tell folks, with every security & privacy steps you take, there are tradeoffs to user convenience. Also, using a good password manager app, like KeePass 2 for Android, and not storing important passwords in the native browser password managers, helps limit someone else gaining access to them. Once you get used to all the road blocks you set up, it becomes 2nd nature. I also, have global adblocking apps and firewall apps I employ on occasion, as well as a VPN from Proton and their email app too. Soon, their new calendar app will be added to my device. Lastly, but, not least, Sophos mobile security for obvious reasons. The only way to become a ghost online, is, like you said, never use any of the tech! Wearing a brown paper bag was a nice touch! 😂🤣😂 But, they can probably identify you by how you walk these days!? Unless you've learned to float?

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great comment! thank you for adding to the discussion, excellent points

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