Great article. As a frequent traveler to London. I have been to some of the royals museums out of curiosity. The feeling I have after viewing their history is the arrogant opulence is absolutely obscene, The subjects of the crown should be furious. Most are brainwashed. I was there during the lizards queens funeral. I was at a pub and asked several patrons what they thought about their new king. One said they thought that chuck’s history with Lord Mountbatten would come back to haunt him and actually predicted he would be the last monarch.

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You started out sounding like Cromwell then Picard and then like Fox Mulder! Very few people accept the Kennedy assassination narrative and either he was killed to prevent us from withdrawing from Vietnam, his intent to release information on aliens or the mob had him killed. His brother’s death is equally fishy. If they released the UFO information, most people wouldn’t be surprised at all. Excellent read. Thanks

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"Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life, for all species."

"I like my 'species' the way it is!"

"A narrow vision."

- Locutus of Borg, Worf (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II”)


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Fabulous post! Thank you! Words do create the World and such a brilliant reminder and demonstration is a breath of fresh air!

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Wonderful story, and God Bless you and your new family, your friend and his angelic pup Jack...those golden eyes like liquid gold!

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Fantastic post!

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I use several different words when referring to The Government such as Leviathan, our rulers and crooks. As for UFOs, I don't believe there is life on other planets so I just figure our rulers are lying about that also. There are, I believe, angels, both good and bad and a spirit world and an angelic conflict/war going on.

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The Borg must be terrified of UFOs. You don't need the Borg to find out about them. If you reach out to them, you know, they will come to you. But be careful which ones you reach out to. Not all are friendly. So how do you know which ones? Well, the one's who exude a sense of fear and dread are the ones to reject. If this sounds a bit wacky, I understand. A couple of years ago I would have thought the same.

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