It's always been about Energy
We've been misled to believe that money, a medium of exchange for wealth, IS wealth. It isn't. Energy is the ultimate wealth, and control over access to energy is the true expression of power.
Energy, along with matter, are the two fundamental components of the Universe. As Einstein showed with his now famous equation, energy and mass are intimately related. In that sense, all (mass-possessing) matter in our Universe is ultimately “energy,” albeit in a particular form. Energy is the foundation of everything, quite literally.
Access to plentiful and “cheap” energy—in the multitude of conventionally known forms, ranging from caloric to thermal to chemical-to-kinetic movement enabling energy—has always been, and always will be, the primary determinant of the evolutionary trajectories of human civilization.
Or of any civilization [1], for that matter.
This fact about energy has been true since the first clans, villages, towns, and cities emerged from the mists in mankind’s remote past—when he who possessed and controlled the food and fire made the rules.
Through millennia, it has been the methods of control of access to energy that most powerfully define the sociological forces that shape human societies. The gatekeepers of energy hold the power. It isn’t really the bankers or the politicians (not directly, anyway.) It is the energy barons.
We will get to this idea and its modern implications in greater detail shortly but let us begin by asserting that the control structures around access to energy – and the economic stratifications that result – are what most directly determines an individual’s experience of their own “pursuit of life, liberty and happiness”.
Those control structures determine the degree to which an individual has the ability to voluntarily participate in a civilization’s (or simply his own) success and failure; to create living comfort and abundance and thereby drive long-term sociological evolution.
More broadly, these control structures and their resultant economic stratifications create the conditions that define, constrain, and determine our political and social behaviors.
It’s always been about control of access to energy.
When humans were still tribes of hunter gatherers, it was thermal energy in the form of fire that gave one group of people a distinct advantage over the others; those who mastered fire survived the harshest winters that eliminated the others who lacked the thermal energy benefit of fire.
Caloric energy mattered as well: those who derived greater physical energy from more nourishing food—which was decontaminated by cooking over fires, thus higher “quality” caloric energy was obtained by exploiting chemical energy—were more likely to survive compared to others; more likely to become dominant over those who had less.
The quality and relative ease of obtaining caloric and thermal energy provided proportionately greater health and strength to those who would become the more dominant peoples.
While knowledge and powerful ideas also shape the outcome of societies, increasingly better knowledge doesn’t matter as much if access to energy to sustain life is the more pressing limiting constraint.
Building on this example, chemical and (raw) solar energy has likewise contributed to the trajectory of various civilizations: societies that evolved in locales having soils with better “potential energy” – by this, I mean the chemical, microbial and nutrient makeup of the soil that results in better agricultural outcomes – and better solar energy (more frequent sun for agriculture, for example, leading to a more temperate regional climate) fared better than those who tried to sustain themselves by farming in energy poor soils with colder climates and greyer skies.
As we progressed from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrialized societies, the prime determinant of our societal trajectory has always been, in one form or another, our access to abundant and cheap energy.
In the industrial era that shaped the West over the past few centuries, for example, it was the relative abundance of —but also the relative freedom of access to —things like wood, coal, oil, natural gas and eventually nuclear fuel that would be the clear determinants of Western economies’ comparative successes, and therefore Western Civilization’s path.
The geographical distribution and abundance coupled with freedom of access to energy also directly influence the relative mobility of members of our modern economies, further magnifying economic leverage. Cars, trains, trucks, and planes increase the speed and efficiency at which successful economies can accelerate the transformation of existing natural resources via exploitation of energy. It is a “multiplier” effect writ large.
You might want to read my WordPress post from a few years ago called “Freedom to Move” to understand other ways in which the elite experience the world differently due to what amounts to their relative freedom of access to kinetic energy.
When viewed from this context, the political forces arranging themselves around ideas like mitigating “Climate Change” are in reality seeking to impose limits, restrictions and controls on the ability of the masses to live as comfortably and as freely as the elites who exploit them already do.
We tend to think in today’s world that control of “money” is the primary leverage point that the elite hold over the masses; while this is indirectly true, it is only true because fiat money is convertible into, or representative of, various sources of energy. It is the calories, watts, and joules, not the pennies, ducats or pence, that actually make kings. Focus on money itself is actually a purposeful distraction.
You could have a billion digital dollars in a Central Bank Digital Currency, and it can be taken away from you in a nanosecond at a keystroke; but if you had 100,000 barrels of oil, fresh water, ammunition, grain, and a personal nuclear power generator, it would be harder—much harder—to oppress you.
It is the “petrodollar”, not the “dollar”, that really matters in today’s world. It is the unfettered convertibility of one’s monetary wealth into energy that is fundamentally important.
America became the dominant economy in the world not by accident; it became powerful because of the plentifulness and variety of natural resources that can be efficiently transformed into energy.
There is another form of “potential energy” that we can also include in our perspective as we expand on this idea: information. The ability of modern society to “store” its accumulated knowledge in the form of information—think of information as a form of “fat stores” for future generations—accelerates the ability of subsequent generations to transform resources via energy even more efficiently and effectively. It also allows civilizations to recover from setbacks, whether these result from natural disasters or manmade ones.
Information is in that sense a form of potential energy, but the technology that we have developed to manage information in the modern era is clearly and directly dependent on the ubiquitous availability of electrical energy.
With this understanding, we now arrive at the basis for discussing the next part of this thesis: It will be the changes in the control of access to energy in all of its potential and real forms that will largely determine what happens next in our world over the coming decades. This is what actually determines what the “New World Order” cabal is really up to.
Ultimately, it isn’t really the inequitable distribution of money or “wealth” that has created modern societal stratifications and tensions; it is the relative distribution of access to energy that lies at the core, and “they” know this very, very well.
If energy becomes “inexpensive” and “ubiquitous” enough, then the costs to extract, transport, and transform raw material resources into “wealth” (where wealth is really just an excess abundance of something that you need for survival) are lowered to the point where more and more people can directly and individually create that wealth for themselves. Become self-sufficient, throw off the yoke and chains of the elites.
There will always still be an unequal distribution in the amount of “wealth” that stems from a consequence of the unequal distribution of competence; but the ability to create enough wealth to increase comfortable standards of living for everyone is strongly dependent on the ubiquity and “cheapness” of energy.
So here we come to the juncture of particular interest. Imagine how the politics of the world would change if the following were true:
everyone had access to an energy device capable of producing virtually unlimited electrical energy with negligible or no “pollution”.
the fuel for this device were ubiquitous worldwide, required no mining, processing, or transportation and was virtually inexhaustible.
the energy device allowed individuals to ‘detach from the grid’ and live wherever and however they choose— in the sense that they could produce their own food, purify their own water, extract and refine their own raw materials, build their own shelters of whatever size and shape suited them, anywhere on earth—if they chose to.
Imagine how things would change if you could sustain yourself and your own family without dependence on “the grid” or “the system” or “the government.”
If you had nearly inexhaustible energy, you could not only sustain yourself, but also create an excess abundance of whatever you chose to, to then freely and voluntarily exchange with others. All of this could be done—as it was in centuries past— without fiat or paper money; without banks or bankers or grifting middlemen; without taxes; without governments.
Imagine if instead of a “gift” card containing “digital dollars”, you handed someone a “brick” that contained “Gigawatts” of potential electrical energy; a form of “currency” that is directly convertible into the things they want or need.
How might the political system be different if a vast majority of people were self-sufficient, independent, able to produce rather than simply consume?
I have for years followed the research of a man named Randell Mills, who has a facility near Princeton New Jersey. I wrote this post about him a few years ago. I have watched him edge ever closer to the holy grail of producing an energy device that has the properties described above; knowing full well what transformative power, should he succeed, such a device would have on the world (and indeed, the Universe—but that’s a topic for some other time, and also the subject of my book in progress.)

Knowing that research like his exists (as well as several other firms who are pushing the boundaries of conventional chemistry and physics)—and knowing that this work is getting dangerously close to producing viable clean energy solutions for the masses, which will upend the global power structures of the elites—explains a great deal of the underlying tensions and machinations of the political world.
You think it’s about borders, money, political systems. It isn’t.
It’s about what’s coming in the transformation of Energy from being a “controlled substance” into a ubiquitous and freely available resource that is within the hands of every human being on the planet.
[1] This is in fact the topic of a book the author is currently working on, having to do with the esoteric topic of “Dark Matter”. If this interests you, stay subscribed to this substack channel.
CognitiveCarbon is not wrong- it's all about energy. I spent many years researching science from 150yrs ago to present. I was unsatisfied with many of prevailing scientific theories for origins of the universe among other things. I wondered if experts made a mistake along the way? Maybe some of these age old ideas like Ether were correct? I set out to find the truth and ended up falling down the rabbit hole, finding evidence of conspiracy. Not what I was expecting but it was hard to deny. I didn't spend long on the conspiracy angle but the science was amazing. I've thought about talking about some of what I learned but honestly it seems insignificant next to fragile state of world affairs. Maybe it's what God needed me to see to care about politics and world events? I'm not sure. If America emerges triumphant, and there's reason to hope, science will propel us in new directions hard to imagine. I realize it's a world of lies and I've proved nothing to you, one guy expressing an optimistic opinion. ;o)
>Energy, along with matter, are the two fundamental components of the Universe.
You’re missing one, and so are the elites (although you do touch on it).
For the elites plans to work long term, information needs to be a conserved property of the universe. Unlike matter-energy, however, information does not seem to be conserved. It can be created (and, potentially, destroyed?).
We know that the amount of information in the universe is increasing (David Layzer 1975):
This puts pay to popular ideas of determinism and all that would be mean.
And it begs the most profound question — where is this information coming from?
Perhaps I remain a skeptic of “free energy” devices. The energy must come from somewhere. However, I do not dismiss it and hold out hope. Certainly, I agree that money is ultimately a proxy for energy.
It is common, for example, to categorise potential alien civilisations by their means to manage energy as: type 1 - 3. This is known as "Kardashev Scale". We are, however, a type 0 civilisation at the moment.