Look Here, not There
The misdirection ploy of "look here, not there" has been used many times since 2020 to direct your attention away from the critical questions. Did you know about the document linked to here? Why not?
As I read this latest substack post from Alex Berenson “Infectious disease researchers kill people. (Sadly, not a conspiracy theory)” it brings up a white-hot rage.
Why? Because I’ve seen some of the substance of this article long ago. As far back as April of 2020, I had already read the following article, which was posted on Github partly so that it could be collaboratively edited, partly so that it could not be censored, and partly to protect the identity of the people who authored it anonymously—because they would have lost their careers had they publicly spoken out at that time.
Here is the bombshell document: (Edit: the link below pointed to the wrong place. Sorry. It works correctly now.)
I want you to read that entire article, but please start from where I anchored the link to (it takes you to somewhere in the middle of the document.) If you have never seen this before, please forward it widely. Please do read the whole thing using the navigation tool on the left of the page, once you start from that location and get the gist of that section.
Here’s the thing: many of us have known, since at least 2020 if not before, that bio-lab “accidents” happened far too frequently all over the world for comfort, and in some cases, releases of things like Anthrax were done on purpose by researchers:
I talked about this GitHub article, its implications, and the evidence of the lab origin for SARS-COV-2 stridently for quite some time on Twitter, as did many others: but because of Twitter’s shadow-banning and limiting of reach, far too few people saw things like this. The “algorithms” were tuned to tamp down on re-sharing to control the “virality” of unapproved narratives, so that the propagation distance of information like this was kept tightly controlled.
The “information” fire was put out quickly every time it popped up, and the embers kept from spreading too far and thereby igniting the kind of public awareness wildfire that should have existed.
Like magicians have done for centuries, the media and big tech were employing the “Look here, not there” misdirection ploy during much of the COVID pandemic: they did not want your attention focused on questions like where COVID-19 might have actually originated, or when, or why.
They wanted your attention focused squarely on the latest fear-porn case and death statistics, so that you would succumb to the diktats of the Faucis of the world—who were telling you that you must wear a mask, must get vaccinated, must socially distance, etc. etc. They wanted your attention focused on the fear so that they could control your behavior. (Please see the “Gambits of Deception” graphic in this substack post of mine about Anti-Social media — in particular, the green outlined boxes at the top of the graphic.)
The media, big tech, and certain parts of the establishment and government did not want you to discover the early murmurings of informed dissent, which was so eloquently expressed in 2021 by The EthicalSkeptic — whose brilliant and insightful work has blown apart the official narrative.
It’s funny, in a way: they didn’t want informed dissent, and they didn’t provide informed consent, either, when it came to the shots.
Go back and read this GitHub article now and understand why its suppression provokes white hot rage among those of us who know. This kind of information should have been all over the airwaves, on the front page of the New York Times, on the tickers of CNN and MSBNC. It should have been talked about in all the coffee shops and around all the work water coolers.
But it wasn’t. And we all have to come to grips with WHY IT WASN’T.
The use of “look here, not there” is a classic counter-intelligence ploy. Why was a counter intelligence op of this magnitude being directed against the citizens of the U.S., and the free-thinking people of most countries in the world when it came to COVID-19?
dam is sure sprouting significant holes
Great article. Thank you very much.