The FBI colludes with the Chinese CCP government, and protects Joe China Pedo Obamar Biden Administration every day. That is why they go after anyone who does not think like them.

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Great explanation, Thank you!

I seriously concerned about ALL of this...wondering if they've found other companies linked this way to China. In a way I hope they did because if they're out there and now that Konnech has been exposed, these other companies may lock their doors and windows up tight!

The fact that they had all this info on Poll Workers is pretty bad and I heard they had info on where some of these peoples children went to school so maybe they're using this info not only to pay these poll workers to do certain things or hide the infiltrators but to also threaten them...and the CCP doesn't make idle threats.

What's worse is you mentioned they may have voter registration as well. My God!!

If they were to use that information to frighten voters in 2024 to vote a certain way then our Republic is lost. I hate to be fearfagging but any thinking person knows if we don't get out there and completely overwhelm their cheating then we could one day answer our door the the CCP military and you can use what we already know about how the Chinese treat, not just their citizens but Falun Gong practionors, Christians, black people, brown people, Uyghurs....I don't even want to think about it but it's sure an extra motivation to get EXTRA active!

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Thank you!!

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Thank you for a very well-written and informative article. To me, the only solution to these problems is outlawing the use of voting machines and returning to paper ballots and strict monitoring of the counting of those ballots.

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Did the database have more personal information than the public records available at sites like https://www.mylife.com/?

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You the man!

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no, but I know the ones who are! lol

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Great job. I pray daily that the Truth will prevail. It has taken brave Patriots such as your self to come forward and explain in detail what is happening in our country. God save us!

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Were there any logs for the DB? If so, were they able to grab them?

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Thank you for such a detailed article. I’m flabbergasted! It the only word that I can use. It boggles my mind that the original information in the DB could be anywhere and what’s there, could have been changed dozens of times. It’s mind-boggling that anyone other than an administrator had write access. The original information on all of these citizens, just loose in the world. It’s going to take awhile to unwind . No sleep tonight!

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I appreciate your explanation. Thank you.

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it could be, not knowing the db structure, to use MongoDB to examine an external Db. but how to connect to Sql db . should be secured with sa and those machines here should not have been open - never use sensitive data to test a db. especially in another country. I was never allowed to let software manufacturer connect to my machines. Support was always by phone.

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While I loved your explanation of the complex subject, I do see Janine’s point of view… simply-Country over profit.

Since I’m not a techy, I do wonder about how a company like Dave Ramsey’s ‘Ramsey Solutions’ manages to obtain talent. Their website and platform for merchandise is the easiest I’ve used. Everyone is working on-site in Nashville.

Back to Janine’s point, we ALL need to do the difficult tasks to prevent our country from being stolen from us! Personally, I moved from a 2 decades big bank relationship, moved from large cell phone provider to Patriot Mobile, don’t shop at ANY globalist corporate stores nor buy products from China. It is not convenient, it is more expensive. But I also buy less stuff! Which is good to live local and be content with less.

That is what Janine is saying… it’s not easy but necessary.

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your cell phone came from China

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Yep, bought prior to awareness. NEVER again.

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Great article! As a non-techie person, if I was able to “get it” then anyone can!! Fantastic job!!

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It should be illegal for any foreign country to support or develop any sort of software that deals with US election data or devices. WTH

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But it isn't; so part of the political lift is figuring out how to put in place legislation that achieves those ends. Because so many politicians are corrupt or in the pockets of the Chinese, it appears there isn't the political will to get this done. If I were King for a day, sure: I'd make that policy.

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Gregg and Catherine should have you on their team as the 'Splainer-in-Chief. Then again, maybe you already are! Great article!

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