Great article. Your writings are very informative and I learn a lot from them, especially since I’m a former liberal...

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Brilliant and thorough explanation.

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Thank you friend

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Excellent post CC. I diverge somewhat from how deep-state cabal views cryptocurrency, but I think you nailed it. I also like how you're able to take time and give insight into technical topics for the laymens and laywymans.

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Thanks friend

I already am aware of this!🇺🇸✝️

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I was replying to Defender of Freedom above comment 👍

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That was the best explanation of what is going on on this PLANET that I have ever heard! Thank you so much for putting all of this including the insane elections, into Perspective. You are awesome. I'm posting it on Truth Social, many people will be so glad to actually be able to get the bigger picture of this insanity. Thank you very much! As you are writing, I can see George Soros and Klaus the Louse's faces turning RED with anger! :)

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I Agree so much with the response!

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The Republic is lost. Flee all blue state battle grounds. Now! Ret US Army in "occupied" Pennsylvania (for now).

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I've been thinking about this

Florida is the only state in the country the RINOS and rabid GOP weren't able to screw with

I'd love for people who actually care about the republic to move to a certain area and cessede from the country even... start a new state or even new country

What the hell DC hasn't been part of the USA for years

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It's not lost. We have the opportunity to fight for it. That's a blessing and a real purpose.

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Be careful, you will be doing exactly what the WEF/Cabal/Globalists/E-lites want if you start a panic and a civil war. Don't you see? That is what all this is about! That is how they have made every penny they have,....causing WARS and PANICS and FAMINES and 'Natural' Disasters. They thrive on panic, pain and chaos! (if it helps, don't think of them as human, for they really aren't human).

Hunker down, get ready to take care of your family your self. Many of us Patriots knew this was coming, we've been warned over and over again. Get your supplies stored, get your weapons and ammo ready, hopefully you won't need them. But you may well need them. If the big cities start to empty because the food supply is gone, there is no water because the Electricity is down, you will need to be ready to take care of your family. Of course you can try to move to a different state, but most people can't afford to run, and it's a little late for that. Get ready.

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Good advice for most folks.

I'm in the later stages of life and have no family so if the shit ever does hit the fan I'll stay where I am and run cover for everyone else 😉

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Great explanation as usual.

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Umm... So where do the Rothschilds or banks play a role in this? I'm sure they benefit from this scandal but this scandal was done by bankman, ukraine and the democrats

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A good question. The whole Planet is controlled by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and other very, very old CRIME FAMILIES. They've been working on this plan we are watching for about 2000 years. Here is a link that helps you to see who we are really at WAR with, and it's not Biden, Democrats or Ukraine. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

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The Awakening was never going to be Overnight. I thought it was in the late 90's when I discovered G Edward Griffin, and thought a public revolt would be imminent. But I was reading books back then while others were watching tv.

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Ruthless Bastards

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Thank you for truth!

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satan never sleeps

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Evil people don't either. They are plotting and scheming 24/7. Evil is only interested in it's own Survival. Just like the WEF/DAVOS group/G7/G20 etc...the E-lite that are totally running this planet. Not just our country, this WAR against them is Global. Meet your real enemy!


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It wasn’t that as t long that the Cabal was considered conspiracy theory. Now it seems they are coming out from under every rock they have been hiding under and destroying every institution. I wonder how much is still hiding that will make an even bigger mess than we have now. Evil is always on the march!

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Well, Clif High said 2 days ago that by December 13-15th, we are going to learn thing that will make us so sick we will run for the bathroom. I don't know how many of you follow him, but he is very good at help us to see what's coming before it gets here. You can check out his page on Substack, but his Videos on Bitchute are even better. Here is his newest one, called DESTRUCTION OF THE PAST. https://www.bitchute.com/video/hRn6R868pwK5/

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Probably their rabid addiction to adrenochrome and more and more blood. They doNOT come back from that evil.

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Thank you for your insight into one more leg of the cabal octopus. In a nutshell: you’ve nailed it! It truly is a battle between good and evil! We’re David to the cabal’s Goliath. And, like David, God enters at the exact minute necessary. I’m often reminded of the Israelites at the edge of the Red Sea right before God parts the waters. Money equals power until it doesn’t!🙏

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Thank you for explaining this so well. I'm not in cryptocurrency, my brother is. I've always felt in my gut that it was a ponzi scheme where the last fool loses. Yes, I get that it's a trackable trade of value, but money went in, and money can come out. And every once in a while I hear that there are some BIG BIG BIG holders and it's at their whim when to dump it and run, and then get back in at their desire (rinse, lather, repeat). You make some cogent and very logical points regarding the forced implosion and regulation at their hands, so that we're left with an alternative they control. (Don't they control these things now, anyway?)

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Some of the comments were pretty illustrative of where the REAL value will be - local relationships, food, water, energy, brass. And skills. Knowledge doesn't weigh anything and you can take it with you.

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